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Height: 5'8"
Chest: 38 (I think? I'll have to check)
Waist: 28
Hips: 30
Shoe: 9
Preferred pronoun: He / him
What is your favorite kind of pizza: Pineapple! Fight me!
Do you identify with labels: I'm a half black heterosexual aromantic. I say half black instead of mixed because I'm clearly not all white thus identifying as both black AND white or just white was never really an option which is honestly just fine by me. I'm happy and proud to be black and use what privilege my light skin affords me to speak up on behalf of my brothers and sisters with darker skin that feel the effects of racism harsher than I do.
How young or old are you: 30
What color socks are you wearing right now: I don't wear socks!
Manhattan or Brooklyn: Philly!
Favorite thing in your closet: Vans Authentics in black.
Special talent: I'm ill on a pogo stick!
Your look inspirations: If Steve Urkel was into punk and rap music.
Insta followers: 55k
Height: 5'8"
Chest: 38 (I think? I'll have to check)
Waist: 28
Hips: 30
Shoe: 9
Preferred pronoun: He / him
What is your favorite kind of pizza: Pineapple! Fight me!
Do you identify with labels: I'm a half black heterosexual aromantic. I say half black instead of mixed because I'm clearly not all white thus identifying as both black AND white or just white was never really an option which is honestly just fine by me. I'm happy and proud to be black and use what privilege my light skin affords me to speak up on behalf of my brothers and sisters with darker skin that feel the effects of racism harsher than I do.
How young or old are you: 30
What color socks are you wearing right now: I don't wear socks!
Manhattan or Brooklyn: Philly!
Favorite thing in your closet: Vans Authentics in black.
Special talent: I'm ill on a pogo stick!
Your look inspirations: If Steve Urkel was into punk and rap music.
Insta followers: 55k